0410 89 1313
  • Computer Problems?

    Don't Panic! We are here to help.
    Call us now to get your computer fixed!
    Fast, friendly and professional service
    is only a click away!
  • Managed IT services

     Monitoring  24/7 your organization.
    Allow us to become your 'Personal IT Department'
    and we will certainly be there at every stage
    to help you grow your business.
  • bussiness

    Business IT We have you covered.
    Call us now to get a quote
    for a complete Business IT package
    suited for your company's needs
  • Hardware Repairs

    Broken PC? We will fix it.
    Is your hardware causing you trouble?
    We will repair or replace the parts
    that are needed while keeping the cost low!
  • Online Backup Solutions

        Online      Backup Solutions.
    Affordable, Secure,
    Automatic & Easy Online backup solutions.
  • remote-support

       Call us!    Reliable remote support.
    Our team is ready to guide you
    through whatever trouble you may run to
    in a professional, efficient and friendly manner.
Continuous Offsite Backup

Take big care of backing up your computer data, so in case of serious problem, you won’t have any issues. We can copy for you up to 20 GB of data in an independent storage unit over the internet while it is also possible to backup unlimited sizes.

We are often asked about offsite backup over the internet.
Until now the technology has been unreliable and expensive but now we are delighted to offer our managed service clients the option of continuous and fully monitored offsite backups for your servers and even client computers - wherever they are in the world.  

Complete off-site backup. Automatically with no swapping tapes, no burning DVDs.
Off-site data backups are an essential part of business risk management. The loss of system availability and data can have a critical and potentially terminal impact on a business.

For a single monthly fee, we provide you with a reliable and secure offsite data backup including:

  • Automatic, online backup to our facilities.
  • Incremental, Differential and Full Backup.
  • Differential Backup frequently as often as every 3 hours or scheduled to run out of business hours.
  • Version support allowing you to restore from multiple file versions.
  • Data is compressed and encrypted prior to transmission providing best possible security.
  • Backup of critical systems including file servers, Microsoft Exchange, SQL Server etc.
  • Access to the Pc-Experts Remote Services Team and Helpdesk for assistance as required

Pc-Experts is your solution!! Call us Today!!

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0410 89 1313
