0410 89 1313
  • Computer Problems?

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Set-up & Install Anti-Virus

Antivirus are utilities that help to protect your system against virus attacks which aim at destroying or crashing you computer. They enter into your system through various paths and hide to attack as soon as you are online.

While you are infected you may see symptoms like: Slow speed, corrupt files, frequent crashing, Booting & Shutdown problems, Missing files or duplicate name file etc. If you suspect that you are facing symptoms like these, it is wise you seek a system diagnose service from Pc-Experts!

We are available 24/7 to full diagnose and suggest a solution that helps your system to start acting normal again. For immediate Help Click Here!!!

We can recommend a free anti-virus tool but still if you need a complete solution ask Pc-Experts.

Dangerous Threats You Must Be Aware Of !!!

The Most Costly Misconceptions About Viruses:

  • The firewall and security tools provided in the Microsoft Operating System are all the maintenance and protection I need?
    This is a terrible misconception. Microsoft does not include all of the security features to protect you from viruses. As a matter of fact, there is no one single vendor that provides all of the system security features you need to keep your computer and files safe from harm.
  • If my computer is working fine right now, I don't need to perform maintenance on it.
    This is probably the biggest misconception that most users fall victim to. Think your computer just like you do your car. If you don't change the oil, air filter and perform other maintenance it will eventually break down. It will end up costing you far more to repair it than the cost of the basic maintenance. Not to mention any additional expenses. There are certain computer maintenance checks that need to be done daily, weekly, and monthly or quarterly.
  • Spyware and Malware are easy to remove
    Some spyware and malware can be easily removed by using special software. However, not all malicious programs can be completely removed, or even detected using these special type of software, but there are some enhanced and intelligent programs out there which evolve every day.

To ensure that even the latest types of viruses (Trojans, spyware, worms) will not infect your computer by destroying files and reducing the operating speed and performance, we can install fully licensed antivirus security software for a whole year. Take advantage of the offer for unlimited yearly support for all computer security issues!

Call us today so you can be safe tomorrow!!! 

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0410 89 1313
