0410 89 1313
  • Computer Problems?

    Don't Panic! We are here to help.
    Call us now to get your computer fixed!
    Fast, friendly and professional service
    is only a click away!
  • Managed IT services

     Monitoring  24/7 your organization.
    Allow us to become your 'Personal IT Department'
    and we will certainly be there at every stage
    to help you grow your business.
  • bussiness

    Business IT We have you covered.
    Call us now to get a quote
    for a complete Business IT package
    suited for your company's needs
  • Hardware Repairs

    Broken PC? We will fix it.
    Is your hardware causing you trouble?
    We will repair or replace the parts
    that are needed while keeping the cost low!
  • Online Backup Solutions

        Online      Backup Solutions.
    Affordable, Secure,
    Automatic & Easy Online backup solutions.
  • remote-support

       Call us!    Reliable remote support.
    Our team is ready to guide you
    through whatever trouble you may run to
    in a professional, efficient and friendly manner.
Server Support & Installation

It is often more cost effective to have an experienced IT company to manage the design and implementation of you IT projects. Let Pc-Experts provide a server solution for your critical applications to be sure that your IT infrastructure will meet the demands of today's technology.

We proactively monitor your servers and network devices for any sign of failure. We will often know of problems before you do, and we can take suitable action to fix the issue before it becomes a major headache.

Having Issues with your Microsoft Small Business server (SBS), Linux server (all major distributions) or Apple X server? Pc-Experts are able to provide a wide range of server configurations to meet every requirement.

Pc-Experts can:

  • Supply the Server.
  • Setup your network.
  • Install and configure all types of Servers.
  • Setup Server backup.
  • Assist with user configuration & security.

Pc-Experts with a team of certified Microsoft engineers can support the following:

  • Windows Servers (all editions, SBS).
  • Exchange Server.
  • SQL Servers.
  • ISA Servers.
  • Windows Storage server.
  • Terminal Servers.

In Pc-Experts we provide Linux Server Support on all major distributions, with our highly certified technicians:

  • Linux mail Server (Installation and configuration).
  • Linux Proxy Server.
  • Web Server (We perform any type of installation and configuration of Apache web server).
  • Linux FTP Server.
  • Application Server (You can use your Linux Server as an Application Server and you can have access to your resources even from windows Pc).
  • Linux DNS Server.
  • Linux Routing (We provide many types of routing services).
  • Firewalls.

Server Upgrades

Scalable IT Infrastructure enables your business to be productive, innovative and adaptive to deliver best performance and productivity when needed. If your business is growing and the server is having trouble pumping enough data around the network, it can crash and that represents a major loss of productivity and profit. At Pc-Experts we create an IT roadmap that will allow your organisation to reach its business objectives to ensure their success, and not constrain its growth.

Contact us today for more information.

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0410 89 1313
